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Do you identify as a young woman, trans-girl/woman, or femme?

Are you looking to make change in your community and the world?

Women in Politics may be the opportunity to get started!


Participants are on the go and already acting as leaders, and if not, they are well on their way! To honor young peoples' schedules over the summer, WIP is offering youth three different paths of engagement! 

I. Book Club: Relationship build organically and explore themes of feminism through a book CalCenter provides. The book is Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera.

II. Drop-in Webinars: Get emails to join optional webinars to learn more about a topics that are driven by youth interest.

III. Year-long Mentorship: Applications for this will go out in July and prioritize youth who joined book club and/or joined the webinars. Those chosen will be paired with a trusted adult woman for a 12 month mentorship/relationship.

Those who apply will:

  • Join a group of other young aspiring women leaders!

  • Engage in relationship-building exercises and interactive dialogue for Book Club.

  • Learn and gain skills based on the things you want to learn during drop-in webinars.

  • Build lasting relationships of support!

Application process:

  • The applicant must be a high school student in the state of California. 15 young women, transwomen, and femme identifying people will be accepted.

  • To register, scroll to the bottom of our overview and press the "Apply Now" button to be brought to a Google Form.

  • Applications for this summer are closed, so check back in next Spring to see about Summer 2023!



Applications for Summer 2022 have closed, so check us out next spring or follow us on Instagram @calcenter for updates!


“Women In Politics was a wonderful experience..  It was a lot of fun and opened my eyes to different career paths!”

- WIP Participant

Program Reflections 2018


We are delighted to announce the California Center’s resurrection of our Women in Politics program was a success! Women in Politics (WIP) was a core program of the CA Center for 8 years, and after being dormant for 7 years it was revived on July 25-27th 2018 and included a new group of twenty young women from the Sacramento Area.


WIP nurtures the next generation of women leaders by gathering for a 3-day leadership conference exposing youth to the role of women in key political and social change efforts, while exploring important issues they face today. During the conference diverse participants were inspired to better understand themselves and their social context while learning from one another and the top-notch presenters invited to contribute to the program.

Each contributor supported our 4 main program goals of:

  1. Helping young women develop a strong sense of self-worth

  2. Expose participants to a variety of positions

  3. Expand the understanding of key elements of the political system, and

  4. Help participants visualize and plan their futures.

Young women gathered from the following Sacramento-area high schools:
Grant Union, Rio American, Folsom, Liberty Ranch, C. K. McClatchy, St. Francis, Luther Burbank, El Dorado, Roseville, Da Vinci Charter Academy, Hiram Johnson, Natomas, Casa Roble, West Campus, and Laguna Creek. The largest group came from Luther Burbank High School through an after-school group, Brown Issues, thanks to our partner and community organizer, Alma López.

WIP 2018 Contributors Include:
Amanda Biccum, Holistic Wellness Coach and Self-worth Speaker

Shelby Vice, WEAVE Community Educator

Angelique Ashby, Sacramento City Councilwoman and Local Politics Panelist

Karina Talamantes, Sacramento County Board of Education Member and Local Politics Panelist

Ann Block, Immigration Lawyer and Panelist

Sarah Torres, Immigration Lawyer and Panelist

Rosie Rios, Keynote Speaker and former U.S. Treasurer

The four main women’s issues explored in 2018:

  1. Global women and poverty: economic impacts, health of family/community, education, etc.

  2. Gender-based Violence and Healthy Relationships

  3. Women in the workplace and the wage gap

  4. Women in Politics and Political Misrepresentation, and Immigration (this was brought up in many applications as an important political issue)


After each interactive session the young women were erupting in discussion about the important issues of our time and themes of the conference. We recognize that bringing our attention to social problems is not always pleasant, so we supported youth through discomfort to taking meaningful actions to transform our society into a more equitable and just place for all.


After the conference the young women were generous with their feedback.  They let us know we created a safe space to authentically arrive and connect with one another. This space allowed for incredible insights to be shared about the current state of gender issues and their unfolding through the lived experiences of local young women. As facilitators we showed up vulnerably and gave permission for the young women to show up and be seen and heard – something we intend to continue.


Three young women from the program are continuing to work with the CalCenter on a policy recommendation to ensure that every homeless service center in Sacramento County is stocked with menstrual hygiene products; they will make their case to the County Board of Supervisors early on in the New Year.  In 2019 we will offer even more time for community building and space for the young women to collaborate on solutions to our society’s most pressing gender issues. We are very much looking forward to WIP 2019!

“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.”

- Brene Brown

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

- Hopi Elders' Prophecy


Please contact Drucella Miranda at with any questions about our program.

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Mailing address: 3810 Broadway, Sacramento, CA 95817
General Phone: 916 443 2229

The California Center for Civic Participation is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.

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