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Our Work

The CalCenter is a non-profit civic education organization focusing on:

ENGAGING YOUTH by sparking their interest with exposure to real excitement of the democratic process, sustaining it with active, hands-on programs on topics that are meaningful to young people.

so youth can express ideas effectively and with confidence.

LISTENING to them, following where they lead.

Our Programs


Through our programs, thousands of young people have become active players in the public policies affecting their communities, cities and states. In addition to making informed decisions on today’s issues, they gain the skills to thoughtfully assess the questions of tomorrow. Our programs draw strength from an egalitarian approach - bringing together youth of different backgrounds and abilities to learn from each other as well as from our diverse staff and many supporters. 


We welcome youth who otherwise might not receive the opportunity to participate in a youth leadership capacity. As a recognized leader in civic engagement for youth, we share our expertise by providing assistance to organizations which are seeking to incorporate young people into policy making processes. Fundamentally we believe that youth are not a problem to solve, but rather a resource to nurture. 

A group of students smiling

Help Us Keep Youth Engaged!

In Person or by Mail

1220 H Street, Suite 102

Sacramento, CA 95814

Here are some ways you can donate:


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Call us at 916.443.2229

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