On-Site Trainings
The CalCenter can provide on-site trainings for your youth and adults on a wide range of topics.
We can customize trainings for your group
We can provide half or full-day workshops, or multiple day sessions
We can train at your site or in partnership with other organizations
The California Center for Civic Participation can customize any training to fit your needs. Fees depend on scope and location of training. See below for a sample of the training topics we can customize for you.
Training sessions on these topics develop a deeper understanding of youth development principles, practices and common language. This foundation can help your site create more numerous allies for youth engagement; a culture that understands and supports youth engagement; and a well-conceived and supported youth engagement element to your future work. Topics include:
Youth Development Principles
Youth / Adult Partnerships
Youth Development Practices
Youth Engagement Models
Strategic Planning for Youth Engagement
Sessions on these topics will provide details, resources and real-life anecdotes on specific dimensions of the practice of youth engagement. We will work with you to draw upon communities’ experience and a deepening body of knowledge and expertise in this field nationwide. Topics include:
Getting Started
Recruitment & Retention
Sustaining & Growing Youth Engagement
Engaging Older Youth
Engaging Youth Over Time
These sessions provide a deeper look at particular strategies, with the goal of preparing your site to shape and launch that particular form of youth engagement. Sessions will incorporate youth and adults with actual experience establishing and sustaining that form of youth engagement, sample materials, training strategies, etc.
Topics include:
Research & Evaluation
Program Development
Governance & Decision Making
Youth Grant-Making
Youth Educators
Youth Businesses
Youth Advocacy & Systems Change

These sessions include workshops on traditional topics for youth leadership and skill-development. They can help shore up youth competencies in several key areas so they can grow and be effective participants in community work. Topics include:
Leadership Styles
Sources of Power
Public Speaking & Communications
Strategic Planning
Team Building
Partnership Development
Event Planning
These sessions provide active workshops to support youth and their adult allies engaged in a single issue campaign, development project, or who are participating in a longer term policy or systems change initiative. The training features case studies of successful youth planning and advocacy. Topics include:
Research & Assessment
Outreach & Coalition Building
Strategic Planning
Political Change Strategies
How to Navigate a
Political Landscape -
Budget Processes
Power & Oppression